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Unlocking inner potential: Hypnotherapy for mental wellness

As we continue bringing attention to May’s National Mental Health Awareness Month, it’s an opportune time to explore the many holistic options available, - there are amazing options at your fingertips. This is especially important as you consider how to move forward to gain healthier coping mechanisms and more positive beliefs and behaviors, while eliminating what doesn’t serve you. Mental health is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being, and there are many ways to take new steps towards mental wellness. In life, it’s often the small, incremental changes that lead to and create amazing outcomes – starting is the key.

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I’m often approached with a variety of questions and concerns. Some people are fascinated and intrigued by hypnotherapy, others are skeptical and still others are convinced they cannot be hypnotized. The key to understanding hypnotherapy is to recognize how it can play a significant role in promoting mental health. So, let’s explore some insights related to hypnotherapy and its impact on mental well-being.

Understanding hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that employs hypnosis to create a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. During hypnosis, individuals become more open to positive suggestions and gain access to their subconscious mind. It’s essential to recognize that hypnotherapy is not about mind control or manipulation; it’s quite different from the Hollywood portrayal you might have seen. Instead, hypnotherapy empowers individuals to tap into their inner resources and make positive changes.

What you might experience

Think of hypnotherapy as akin to driving somewhere familiar, parking your car, and not remembering the drive over. In this state, you’re deeply relaxed and focused. You remain in control and aware of your surroundings, but your mind operates differently. Hypnotherapy effectively bypasses your ego and conscious mind, allowing you to work directly with your subconscious—the guidance system that houses your memories, emotions, behaviors, and beliefs about yourself and the world.

Our conscious brain and ego tend to cling to what’s familiar, even if it’s miserable. These coping mechanisms, beliefs, and emotional responses often originate from childhood and persist into adulthood. Unfortunately, they don’t always serve us well. They manifest in various ways, such as anxiety, procrastination, addiction, weight gain, self-sabotage, and choosing the wrong partner, among others. 

In hypnotherapy, we aim to “retrain the brain” by eliminating limiting beliefs and behaviors. This process enables you to cope and approach life in ways that better serve you. If you’ve ever tried to solve a problem consciously but found yourself reverting to old patterns, it’s because you were attempting to address your subconscious mind with conscious efforts.

Evidence-based support for hypnotherapy

Research supports the efficacy of hypnosis for various mental and somatic health issues. These include anxiety, depression, pain management, and stress reduction. Hypnosis has been particularly effective for patients undergoing medical procedures and those experiencing pain. The positive effects are well-documented in research studies.Embracing the dynamic natureUnderstanding that your mental health is dynamic is essential. Just as physical health waxes and wanes, our emotional and psychological well-being follows a similar pattern. It’s a journey—one that requires our attention and care.

Your toolbox within

None of us arrives in this world with a complete set of tools to manage life’s challenges. However, we can build our toolbox over time. If you’re ready to create positive change, consider starting with small, incremental steps. These seemingly minor actions can yield remarkable results.So, begin your journey toward better mental health today.   

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