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Writer's picturekyurkovich

My Journey to Hypnotherapy

I’ll never forget -- it was April of 2020, and a lot of change was taking place in my life. My mom had passed away unexpectedly at Christmas of 2019, and I sat working from home in my kitchen, as was the way then, with the realities of COVID.

I was feeling out-of-sorts, lost, stuck, unhappy. You see, I’d been working in Corporate Communications and Public Relations for nearly 25 years, and I was miserable. In fact, I’d been miserable for at least 10 years, but never seriously considered a change. How could I change? I was in my 50’s, I’d been in this career forever, it was too late.

But this was different, I was at a crossroads. My experience through grief is that it changes the lens of your life. What was once important, or scary, or impossible, seems…just less than.

I kept thinking, “I have one life. Am I going to spend the next 20-plus years doing something that makes me miserable but pays the bills? Or am I going to figure out how to live my best life and stop allowing fear to hold me back?”

Well, as you may have guessed, I chose to make a very significant change. But first, I needed to figure out my path. How could I get rid of my fear, how could I eliminate my propensity to doubt myself, how could I make this happen? What in the world would I do next? This is where the magic happened.

I knew I wanted to help people in some way, but I had no idea how. I consulted a career coach and did a lot of intrinsic work to identify new, possible paths. Through this process, I ended up speaking with a hypnotherapist.

Have you ever had a moment of serendipity? Well, this was it for me. Not only did I speak with her, but I also ended up engaging in my own hypnotherapy sessions to help me overcome my obstacles. We were able to identify the root cause of what held me back in my life and eliminated the negative beliefs I had in myself.

Through her guidance, my world opened, and once I transitioned my coping mechanisms and self-belief – I moved forward in the way I had dreamed – now living a life I didn’t know I could have.

You see, not only did she help me transform the way I cope, and believe in myself, it turned out that she oversaw an academy that trained and certified individuals to become Clinical Hypnotherapists.

And I knew this was it. I had my identified my calling. All those years ago, back when I was an undergraduate student, I majored in Psychology. Even growing up, I was always the friend who listened, who you could trust, who offered help -- that was how I rolled, and how I am today. They say life can be circular, and in my case, this was true.

Today, I’m a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and I have the privilege of working with people every day who languish in a state of unhappiness – many of whom don’t know why.

Through regression, I’ll help identify the root cause behind your emotional pain and behavioral patterns, to eliminate them. Once eliminated, I’ll guide you forward to shift your mindset, and provide the tools needed to be able to manage what life throws at you, in a healthier, happier way.


I can work with you on your individual goals for your life and can help you with a variety of issues, including: feeling stuck, anxiety, depression, imposter syndrome, lack of confidence, panic, trauma, divorce, grief, joylessness, work stress, in addition to addictions, weight loss, insomnia and pain management, among others.


I’m thrilled to own my DeNovo Hypnotherapy practice, conducting sessions over zoom, and to partner with the St. Louis Wellness Center to bring hypnotherapy into their offerings, for in-person sessions. I love the holistic approach to wellness, and I’m available to answer any questions you may have regarding hypnotherapy anytime.

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